The onesies are $12.00 each and come in sizes 0-3 m, 3-6 m, 6-9 m, 9-12 m. Or they can be special ordered in a larger size. I am currently looking into t-shirts for older children....more to come .....

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These pacifier clips are so fun to make and they will fit any type of pacifier. They are made from high quality beads and wire in a variety of colors. I have a lot more if your are looking for a specific color. If your baby is anything like mine, these are a must! I couldn't live without something to keep that pacifier OFF of the floor!
They are $9.00 each.
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If you have a question, call us at 801-580-7206 (Julie), 801-860-5572 (Marie), or email us at
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